Sunday, February 9, 2014

Belated Return of the Prodigal Blogger

Hi! I've been out of the loop for almost a year (egads!), but I've thought of you often. And I've been taking pictures ever since I started cooking again, so I'm sitting myself down to catch up tonight. I'm planning on buying a domain and making a new website for all this, but in the meantime, I ought to just keep on with it as is.

I did finally get an apartment and then eventually get my all my stuff to it. But I didn't really get to cooking again until I committed to a FreshDirect membership. New Yorkers, you have to do it. Unless you live in an amazing neighborhood with great groceries, in which case, I hate you and don't bother. But for the rest of us who live in aptly named "food deserts", FreshDirect is a godsend. As it is, I'm waiting on my most recent order to show up between 10-11:30 tonight, at which point a very nice delivery man is going to bring me a couple boxes of food directly into my kitchen. All for $10 delivery fee per month! You can't beat it. No, they're not endorsing me, I'm just that thrilled. If not for FD, I'd be grumpily lugging bags home from Trader Joe's once a month and otherwise continue my steady diet of raisin bran from the corner bodega. It wasn't good, folks.

So here's a live picture of the kitchen. I love the open shelving so I can see my beloved kitchen treasures: retro blue kitchenaid mixer, grandmas nesting mixing bowls, Bulgarian bowls, and basic ikea dishware. However, they're a pain to keep clean and now often feature cat hair, so envy me only insofar as you also wish you had to clean everything you use every time.

Otherwise, that's about the majority of the kitchen (and, to be honest), living room. I've got a cabinet of spices, basics, and baking goods, and a lower cabinet of pots and flour and sugar. Glamorous NYC life!

It's not much in terms of provided storage, but the extra shelves help a lot and with the kitchen also being the living room, I at least have space to move and use the table. And I'm more than happy to have this over a tv and other comforts. It's kitchen or bed for me the few hours I spend here. 

On to the cooking! 

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