Monday, May 30, 2011

vegetarian sushi

The other day, I bought a sushi kit from the HIT. It was about 20 leva, which is like $14. It seemed a bit expensive, but since I love sushi and have wanted to try it out, I decided it was worth it for the experience. Then it sat on my shelf because I didn't have the time to make it for any upcoming dinners and the HIT didn't have good avocados for a while. But tonight was the night. So, I opened up my sushi kit and more or less followed the directions. Lindsay may have pointed out that I was not doing a very good job rationing my rice out, as is evidenced by some of my jumbo sushi rolls. Whatever. I called it TEXAS Style Sushi - because everything's bigger in Texas.

 And the first, Texas Sized roll, with my hand for scale:

It was actually a very simple process, maybe because I was using a box. But still, it seemed well within my abilities except that the bagged rice helped me overcome my general inability to handle cooking rice.
  1. Cook rice
  2. Mix in sushi rice vinegar (whatever that might actually be)
  3. Let rice cool
  4. Lay seaweed out on bamboo mat
  5. Scoop out a *reasonable* mound of rice into center of seaweed
  6. With wet fingers, press rice out across seaweed, leaving a border
  7. Lay goodies in the middle - I used cucumber and avocado
  8. Roll away from you, pressing roll together as you go
  9. Voila! Sushi
So I made one giant roll, one normal roll, and another giant role. Portion control difficulties with the rice. But all's well that ends well, and we all found it pretty yummy and satisfactory. If I could easily get my hands on some more sushi rice and seaweed wraps, I would definitely do it again. Very fun and yummy and pretty easy. 

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