Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day Cookies

Well, the actual recipe for these simple sugar cookies is in my last post. I took so many dang pictures of the cookies, though, that I thought it made more sense to just make a post solely devoted to the silly number of pink cookie photos taken. My lovely roommates were so good as to indulge me by consulting on how best to take pictures. They then asked if we could get some kind of poll/response on who had the better photo idea:
heart with gradient of colors or heart with mixed colors
so, please let us know which you prefer!
option a) gradient

option b) mixed

Then I just went on to keep taking pictures. I also got bored in the 15 minute wait time between cookies, so I started making designs out of them, like hearts and weird twists and other things that mostly turned into blobs. Lindsay advised me to layer colors and cut them to they would make checkered squares, so I have some of that going on too. Anyway, less talk and more cookies:

 Another of Lindsay's ideas for cookie design:

And no, I did not have a Valentine. But I did get chocolates from one of my student's for her Name Day and Birthday and another for her Birthday (it is a Bulgarian tradition to hand out chocolates to all of your friends/etc on your name day and birthday), and I am going out to dinner with a few friends, which will be delicious. After getting to play with food coloring and make cookies, I'm pretty happy with my Hallmark holiday.

Update: I also took 18 cookies to my advisory group today, and I am pretty sure teenagers never mind cookies, especially when they are given while they are stuck in a room during their lunch period. 

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