Thursday, March 24, 2011

apple sauce

I was looking back through our recipes a bit and saw Katie's apple sauce that she made in the fall. Not being from Massachusetts, I have never made, or maybe even eaten, homemade applesauce before. The recipe looked simple, not actively time consuming, and had ingredients that were available to me here. I wanted to bake something today anyway, and so was going to the store, so I decided to add this to my afternoon activities list. When I got to the HIT, I saw a bag of about 10 apples on sale for 2 лева or $1.35 and just couldn't think of a reason not to.

I basically just followed Katie's instructions. I had about 10 apples, so I halved what she said she used for her 25 apples, except I think I accidentally added the same amount of nutmeg, which explains why my applesauce is so spicy. Also, brown sugar is a bit odd here in Bulgaria - you can either get light brown sugar, but it comes in big granules like normal sugar, or you can get very dark brown sugar that is the same texture as brown sugar in the states, but it has a much stronger rum-molasses flavor. So anytime I use brown sugar, I generally just use the dark brown to have the right consistency but the result is a darker mixture and a stronger flavor.

All in all, the recipe was a success and made the kitchen smell wonderful. My roommate was excited about it (but not as excited as she was for the cupcakes I was also baking) and helped me blend them up, and now I have a container of dark, spice-flecked, homemade applesauce in my fridge for breakfast and snacks. Definitely worth the 10 minutes of prep time and hour of back burner time.

Plus it was sunny and nice today, so in addition to having my Vonnegut elective outside in the garden/mini amphitheatre, I walked to the HIT, jamming to my ipod, enjoying the sun.
 I really love the way brown sugar sort of melts and and expands and moves on its own as you pour it out. It is almost liquid, and I find it really beautiful...

Appx. 10 apples
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tbsp cinnamon
1/2 tbsp nutmeg
water as needed

As per Katie's advice, I left the skins on, which I wanted to do anyway because I am lazy. I diced the apples and tossed them in the pot, dumped the spices on top, mixed it around, and set it on the back burner on low. I let them cook for about an hour, stirring randomly and adding water when it looked like it was thickening up. My roommate mashed them a bit towards the end, but I decided I wanted fairly smooth applesauce, so I got our immersion blender out and quickly buzzed through it. Very tasty!

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